Recorded on 08-04-2022

Notes on Apr 21, 2022


Corrine Florence

Crypto Slang! Getting you accustomed to the LANGUAGE used in the world og crypto!

“It’s like they speak another language?”

Yep, I feel you! Here is the translation you need 😉

ALTCOINS - any coin which NOT bitcoin, is a ALT (alternative) coin

ATH - all time high. (when a coin reaches the highest price it has ever been.

BAG HOLDER - someone who buys crypto and holds large quantities for a medium to long term period of time, with the hope to make good profits.

BEAR/BEARISH - when the coin is in a down trend (prices going down)

BTFD - buy the f***ing dip! (see “dip” meaning below). Buying when everyone else is in panic and fear.

BULL/BULLISH - when a coin is in an up trend (prices going up)

DIAMOND HANDS - someone who holds onto their crypto/options even during what seems to be bad times/low prices.

DIP - when the prices of a coin come DOWN (the lowest possible price) before going back up!

DUMP - a biiiiig sell off of a coin (prices move very quickly down).

DYOR  - do your own research.

FA - fundamental analysis

FOMO - fear of missing out (especially on a “LAMBO TRADE”!). Trading with emotion.

FUD - fear, uncertainty, doubt. Usually related to “FUD new” which is released and plays with people’s emotions to throw them off.

HODL - HOLD ON for Dear Life!!! Invest and forget it (long term)

LASER EYES - that you are bullish on crypto  (a movement).

LONG - a margin trade position where we want price to go UP!

MCAP - market capitalization

MOON - price is going UPPP (all the way to the moon!)

PUMP - price moving aggressively UP

SH*TCOIN - a coin that has no valid use-case or potential value. Usually has a lot of hype around it but no substance.

SHORT - a margin trade position where we want price to go DOWN!

TA - technical analysis

REKT - when you lose a lotttttt

RUG PULL - where crypto developers abandon a project and run away investors’ funds.

WAGMI - we are all going to make it!

WHALE - persons that are very wealthy and have a lot of money which they use in the market and therefore have the ability to move the whole market, aka Market Mover.

WEAK HAND - when people act on emotion and sell as soon as they see the prices in the market coming down.