DCX academy: DCX318 – how to create candlesticks

Notes on Apr 6, 2022

10:11  minutes

Crypto Academy - Be the Marketer

Risk Disclaimer: Trading can contain substantial risk and is not suited for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than their initial investment. “Risk capital” - is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle.  Only “risk capital” should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. iMarketsLive is not a licensed financial advisor nor does it give out financial advice. The user of IML products and/or services assumes full risk and responsibility for their trading activity. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Individual results will vary due to a variety of market and timing conditions.

  • What is an Order Book

  • How Spread is Determined by the Order Placement

  • How does Order Book Data will vary based on the exchange

  • Can I trade against myself?

  • Whist Cryptocurrency Order Books can I see?

  • How many types of Order Books are there?

  • How Market Participants Move Price

*Building an Orderbook

In Summary: Traders around the world contribute to Price Movement and whenever you choose to invest in Cryptocurrency the candlesticks will include your actins too! This is because we have direct access to add or remove liquidity from an order book.