DCX academy: DCX317 – market volatility

Notes on Apr 6, 2022

8:07  minutes

Crypto Academy - Technical Ninja

Risk Disclaimer: Trading can contain substantial risk and is not suited for every investor. An investor could potentially lose all or more than their initial investment. “Risk capital” - is money that can be lost without jeopardizing one’s financial security or lifestyle.  Only “risk capital” should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading. iMarketsLive is not a licensed financial advisor nor does it give out financial advice. The user of IML products and/or services assumes full risk and responsibility for their trading activity. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Individual results will vary due to a variety of market and timing conditions.

  • What is Volume

  • What is Volatility

  • What is Liquidity

  • How Volume and Volatility make Price Move in Cryptocurrency

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  • How to Read Volume Bars

*Volume and Volatility

What is Volume & Volatility?

Volume: Refers to the quantity of an asset that is being traded.

Volatility: Refers to an increase or decrease in price value.

The price of a Cryptocurrency can change rapidly when there is an imbalance of orders however, even if there is a high volume a balanced order book will result in low volatility.

Each exchange will have different levels of volume and you may notice price differences.

There needs to be liquidity so that trades may be executed in any market!

In Summary: Markets Participants around the world contribute to Price Movement. If there is low liquidity, orders may not be filled and just because there is a high amount of volume does not always result in high volatility!