DCX academy: DCX301, 302 – centralization & decentralization

Notes on Apr 6, 2022

11:39  minutes

Crypto Academy - The Art of Charts

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  • What is Centralization?

  • What is Decentralization?

  • How credible is Cryptocurrency?

  • Is Blockchain only viable for Cryptocurrency?

  • Why are Cryptocurrencies considered Decentralized?

  • What are some examples of Centralized entities?

*Centralization vs Decentralization

CryptoNetwork Integrity

TRUST: “It takes a lifetime t build a good reputation, you can lose it in one instance.”

SECURITY: “No government can guarantee security.”

TRANSPARENCY: “Where there is no integrity, there will also be no responsibility.”

IDENTITY: “It’s to appreciate anonymity until it’s no longer available.”

CONTROL: “Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws.”


Centralized Platforms typically require all data to pass through one central server or hub which makes it very easy to monitor any actions/information within the network.

  • Traditional Banking Institutions

  • Federal Government

  • Businesses such as Facebook, Google, and Paypal

  • Gateway Exchanges

Some Cryptocurrencies are questionably close to being centralized assets


Decentralized Platforms operate Peer-2-Peer networks and can be used for things beyond currency with the technology we see within the Cryptocurrency industry!

  • Helps get rid of the middleman

  • Minimizes Fraud, Transaction Fees and Promotes Transparency

  • Beyond Financial Sectors

  • Internet Voting

  • Intellectual Property Registration (Photos, Patents, etc)

  • Identity Management (Healthcare data, Social Security, etc)

  • Inventory (Cars, Homes, etc)

Example: Miners on Bitcoin’s Blockchain are rewarded to maintain the Network

In Summary: Centralized Entities have control over what data shows in their system whereas no one ‘owns’ Blockchain technology, there are thousands of computers around the world on the network!

Decentralized Platforms are becoming more prominent as Technology expands.